Selecting the Right Alloy and Stainless Steel for High-Temperature Air Handling Applications

When designing equipment for high-temperature air handling applications, the choice of materials is critical. Poor material selection can lead to premature failure and costly repairs. This blog post explores the differences between various alloys and stainless steel types, emphasizing the importance of understanding their properties and limitations.

The Challenge of Material Selection

Selecting the right material for high-temperature applications involves a thorough understanding of the properties and performance of metals under different conditions. The factors to consider include:

  • Temperature Performance: How the material behaves at high temperatures.
  • Tensile Strength: The maximum stress the material can withstand while being stretched or pulled.
  • Corrosion Resistance: How well the material can resist corrosion, especially under high-temperature conditions.
  • Creep Resistance: The material’s ability to resist deformation over time under constant stress at high temperatures.

Understanding Material Properties

  1. Temperature and Tensile Strength: Metals lose tensile strength as temperature increases. For instance, carbon steel has a yield strength of approximately 35,000 PSI at room temperature. This strength decreases to about 28,000 PSI at 200°F and continues to drop significantly with each additional 100°F increase. At 500°F, the strength can be less than half of its original value.
  2. Creep Effect: Creep is the tendency of a solid material to deform permanently under the influence of mechanical stresses. At high temperatures, metals exhibit a pronounced creep effect. This means that even if a material is within its allowable stress limits, it can still deform over time if subjected to constant stress at high temperatures.
  3. Corrosion Resistance: High-temperature corrosion differs from low-temperature corrosion. Materials exposed to high-temperature gases, fluids, or other corrosive environments must be selected carefully to ensure longevity and reliability.

Types of Materials for High-Temperature Applications

  1. Carbon Steel: Commonly used due to its availability and cost-effectiveness, but it has limitations in high-temperature applications due to reduced strength and creep resistance.
  2. Alloy Steel: Contains added elements such as nickel and chromium to improve performance. Alloy steels are better suited for higher temperatures but are more expensive than carbon steel.
  3. Stainless Steel: Known for its excellent corrosion resistance and ability to maintain strength at high temperatures. The most common types used are austenitic stainless steels (e.g., 300 series), which contain higher levels of nickel and chromium.
  4. Specialty Alloys: Include high-chromium steels and other specially formulated alloys designed for extreme conditions. These materials can handle higher temperatures and pressures but come at a significantly higher cost.

Choosing the Right Material

The choice of material depends on several factors:

  • Temperature Range: The operating temperature of the system.
  • Pressure Requirements: The internal and external pressures the material must withstand.
  • Corrosion Environment: The type of gases, fluids, or other materials the system will encounter.
  • Mechanical Loads: The stresses and loads the material will experience during operation.

Practical Examples and Applications

  1. Ductwork and Piping Systems: For ductwork and piping that handle high-temperature air or gases, selecting a material with good creep resistance and corrosion resistance is essential. Austenitic stainless steels are often a good choice due to their balance of strength and corrosion resistance.
  2. Boilers and Heat Exchangers: These components operate at high temperatures and pressures, requiring materials like high-chromium alloy steels to prevent deformation and ensure long-term reliability.
  3. Fans and Pumps: Mechanical components such as fans and pumps also need to be designed with the right materials to withstand the high temperatures and stresses of their operating environment.


Selecting the appropriate alloy or stainless steel for high-temperature air handling applications is crucial for ensuring the longevity and reliability of the equipment. Understanding the properties of different materials, such as their temperature performance, tensile strength, and corrosion resistance, is essential for making the right choice. By carefully considering these factors and consulting material selection standards like the ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel Code, engineers can design systems that meet the demanding requirements of high-temperature applications.

At JBW, we have extensive experience in selecting and designing with the right materials for high-temperature applications. Our expertise ensures that your systems will operate efficiently and reliably, providing long-term value and performance.

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